DO ECO-MARKS and green logos endorsed on products really help the consumer to make an environment-friendly choice? May be not. A recent survey by the National Consumer Council in UK has found

Designers at the Building Research Establishment of Hertfordshire in the UK have carried the notion of environment consciousness right down to the foundations of buildings. Crushed concrete is

XENOTRANSPLANTS - animal to human transplants - have won ethical approval after the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, set up to debate medical morality, gave its go-ahead. However, while

IT HAS come a full circle. Humans, who were responsible for the debacle in the first place, are now being asked to act as saviours too. The world's depleting fish stocks could get a boost if a

LARGE quantities of alcohol - ethanol - as consumed by earthlings have been recently found in abundance in the spatial region. Ethanol was discovered by two radio astronomers

WITH yet another, oil spill, this time off the coast of south Wales in the UK, the world's oceans may soon contain more oil rather than water! The recent Oil spill occured when an oil tanker -

The day may not be far when people with balding pates will have a permanent solution to their problem. Bradford University (UK) researchers have isolated hair cells from balding pates for the

ORGAN transplant rejections could soon become a thing of the past. A new drug which can halve the rejection rate of transplanted organs and billed as 'the most exciting development in

Women who might lose their ability to conceive be it due to the inevitable menopause or a damage to their ovaries caused by radiation or chemothitapy may still have a chance to become mothers. Removal of their ovaries and reimplanting apart of

A device to aid walking, comprising eight wheels for maximum stability, built-in automatic brakes for security and a seat for resting, has been .developed by the Kingswood Supply Company of UK:
