Dieting anxiety could reduce memory instead of calories

Every month countless women suffer abdominal pain caused due to the menstrual cycle. Nigel Cronin at the University of Bath, UK, has developed a microwave probe to treat this problem. The

Celltech, the UK-based biotech firm, has tested a new drug against rheumatoid arthritis. Thegeneti- cally engineered drugCDP 571, is based on a synthetic antibody. The antibody blocks the action

NEW measures resisting women from selling human ova has been urged by the architect of Britain's human fertility, Baroness Warnock. Revelations about agencies paying upto us $1,500 for a single

The Council for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) has launched a ca paign in Durham, UK, against t1h Durham county council's plans t develop a number of the city's greel areas to attract

With health consciousness showing an upward trend, disposable non mercury thermometers are catching on

Scientists at Cambridge Universil UK, have announced prc _ developing "single electron logict to herald in chips with data-processing capacity of 1,000 PCs. The principle behind

SCIENTISTS from Britain and six other countries have 4 together in unprecedented venture to um the mysteries a world's past dim They will sail os world's largest and most techmi cally

No more ugly patches or scars from injuries, promises a newly developed gel

A battle royal rages in the courts of UK as two nondescript environmentalists take on a giant
