For US armed forces it is now adieu metals, and welcome plastics. Researchers at Stevens Institute of Technology have designed plastic-composite nosecones for shoulder-fired missiles for the marines.

Britain's ministry of defence is finding it difficult to sell off a few of the 3,400 sites it owns, to raise some urgently required funds. At least 8 sites are assumed to be radioactive from the use

Small and medium-sized companies are probably in for a better time, with Germany's Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft setting up a branch in Michigan. The group, which has conducted research worth $648 million,

A British chemical company, Thor Holdings, has been hauled up to the London High Court by 2 workers in South Africa suffering from severe mercury poisoning, and by the family of a man who died from

Trees in the cities of the UK are feeling the cutting edge of the latest communications boom. Tree roots are being severed as cable companies dig trenches along an estimated 80 km of streets a day to

Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, crystallographer and Nobel laureate in chemistry, sparkled in a predominantly male preserve

Searing heat and vehicular emissions skyrocketed ozone levels in Britain, prompting the government to caution against using cars, jogging or even exercising outdoors

After years of controlling noise pollution, airports across the globe are now trying to curb water and air defilement

NEC Corp, the Tokyo-based electronics concern, plans to dazzle consumers with a 256-megabyte flash memory chip. This "next generation" device, which will be 16 times as powerful as those now in the
