• Violin-makers may soon have to use plastic instead of rare hardwoods, according to the Fauna and Flora Preservation Society, UK. Supplies of pernambuco, used to make violin bows, and impigo,

Faced with food surpluses, farmers in the UK are being encouraged to plant trees on part of their land and sell wood as fuel for heating or generating electricity.

A documentary for British children presents an inaccurate and oversimplified image of India.

Japan and Germany have welcomed the go ahead for Britain's Thorp nuclear reprocessing plant, but opponents feel it will lead to nuclear proliferation.

A British government report recommends stripping voluntary organisations of their charitable status.

A PLAN to reward UK farmers switching to organic methods has been criticised for not recognising those already practising organic farming. Under the five-year scheme, the government will pay British

The Union government's department of science and technology (DST) and the Madras-based Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI) held a show to demonstrate the country's skills and capabilities in

NEW RULES for approving experiments with altered genes will slash the red tape that British scientists claim obstructs research (New Scientist, Vol 140, No 1895). A report by the British parliament's

Spending heavily on medicines does not necessarily result in better health, indicate recent studies.

A TIMES poll showed 92 per cent of British citizens opposed the two-stage imposition of a value-added tax on domestic fuel and heating. Unperturbed by these figures, British chancellor Kenneth Clarke
