The setting up of windmills in the British countryside has sparked off a heated debate because some conservationists contend they are economically unviable and a blot on the landscape.

Three years ago, an Orissa engineer's claims to have solved Fermat's Last Theorem was ignored by the state government. However, news that Andrew Wiles of the US has solved the long-standing puzzle

The powers of local government in the UK derive from acts of Parliament -- not from the Constitution -- and can be amended to suit the wishes of the central government. The future of local

URBAN Villages studies reasons for the breakdown of community ties and traces the genesis of social unrest in our cities and towns. It's interesting to observe how this happens in places where new

The Gemini twin telescope project, being spearheaded by Britain, will help astronomers watch a planet being born

A study finds teenage pregnancies occur more frequently in socially backward areas than affluent areas, but the opposite holds true for abortions

UK CHANCELLOR Kenneth Clarke blocked renewed moves to impose an energy tax at a meeting of European Community finance ministers in Luxembourg in June. Clarke maintained his predecessor had done

The potato, native to South America, invaded England in 1588, the year Elizabeth I's devil may care sea dogs vanquished the Spanish Armada. It has since spread throughout the world, leaving its most edible mark on various cuisines.

DID AKBAR, the great Moghul (1556-1605), relish dam aalu? Probably not, especially as one doesn't have firm evidence he did. The record kept by his minister, Abul Fazl, of crops grown in India in

SURROUNDING a potential target by an army of bodyguards may actually increase the risk of assassination, according to researchers at Middlesex University, London (New Scientist, April 3, 1993).
