Environment Agency finds Monsanto, BP and Veolia liable for clean up after thousand

Environment Agency finds Monsanto, BP and Veolia liable for clean up after thousand


The world's largest offshore wind farm, which cost more than GBP750m to build, is poised to begin generating power off the coast of Kent, south-east England, with 100 turbines producing enough electricity to supply heat and light for some 200,000 homes.

The Thanet facility, which is going through final testing by Vattenfall, its Swedish power company operator, is going on st

London: Scientists have developed a new green energy harnessing technology which they claim could turn all house windows into a solar power generator.

Small-scale wind power is getting a lot of attention nationally and internationally and is becoming increasingly popular. Even politicians now believe in the potential of wind generators. But these systems won't get established without mandatory quality standards.

Conventional wisdom says that wave farms must be more than 2 kilometres away from the coast, but a new analysis suggests otherwise.

Kolkata: To encourage the Centre to change its procurement policy in favour of buying energy efficient goods, the British High Commission has begun supporting a project on developing policy guidelines in this regard.

The north of Scotland has been described as the Saudi Arabia of marine power

When will we reach the peak of global oil production?

In the UK, 2010 got off to a superb start for the wind power industry. Crown Estate has announced the nine successful bidder consortia for Round 3 of the offshore wind farm licencing. As administrative body for Crown property, it is also the official agency for awarding offshore projects.
