The UK government has been making efforts to get the European Union to ban a self-cooling drink can that uses HFC134a, one of the most powerful human-made greenhouse gases. The aerosol can be packed

Tobacco companies will foot the medical bills of smokers who have cancer under an agreement with the US state of Florida. This spells bad times for the tobacco industry as the Clinton administration wants more in a national agreement

Energy expenditure in the human body is based on an internal clock

the jaguar, one of the most elusive

the endangered Asian elephants have a new friend in usa . A proposal to spend up to us $25 million to conserve the asian elephants could go a long way towards saving them from

many times patients complain that

Researchers say that obesity drugs are harmful for health

Chemicals resembling oestrogen, may be causing sexual irregularities in adolescent girls

The bene fits of hormone replacement therapy in post menopausal women outweigh its side effects

Water will become the most prized and precious commodity in the coming years. Internecine conflicts over the resource are already the order of the day and a global water crisis seems not too far away. But the water-guzzling US state of California is show
