A vaccine developed &om genetically engineered cells has been found to eradicate tumours from the brains of laboratory rats. Developed by cancer scientists at the University of California in Los

Scientists are now working towards developing efficient vaccines out of 'complements', proteins which safeguard against disease-causing pathogens (New Scientist, Vo1149, No 2014). Douglas

Humankind may soon to face to face with a miracle if the dozen odd cancer vaccine trials, currently on in the United States, emerge successful

Scientists in Switzerland have Begun preparations to test a new oral vaccine for stomach ulcers. The vaccine is the result of a joint venture between the Boston-based biotechnology

A proposed injectable polio vaccine may cut down the risk of contracting the paralysing disease

Scientists at the US-based National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases recently suggested a new vaccine for blood flukes (Schistosoma mansoni) that cause snail fever in humans. The

Scientists at the Australia-based Queensland Institute of Medical Research have given the green light to the establishment of "DNA Vaccines" as the obvious choice of the future (Biotechnology,

A recently developed Indian birth control vaccine is being debated to death

THERE is hope yet for those unable to shake off their addiction to drugs and alcohol. The cure is indigenous, painless and involves the oral intake of a vaccine made from homeopathic elements.

MEASLES vaccine killed 3 infants at Debagram in Nadia district of West Bengal. This was confirmed by members of the inquiry committee which investigated the incident. However, the exact
