Aurangabad: Under fire for delaying the water distribution project even as water scarcity is aggravating with every passing day, the utility company said it has resolved the long-pending issue of c

There has been no significant change in the knowledge-base and institutional structure for managing water systems since colonial rule. This makes the recent efforts of the Ministry of Water Resources for restructuring the Central Water Commission and the Central Ground Water Board significant. This article argues that the effort should be backed by interdisciplinary studies that see surface water and groundwater as ecologically connected.

AP govt on Thursday began its arguments before the Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal in Delhi.

The sustainability of future water resources is of paramount importance and is affected by many factors, including population, wealth and climate. Inherent in current methods to estimate these factors in the future is the uncertainty of their prediction. In this study, we integrate a large ensemble of scenarios—internally consistent across economics, emissions, climate, and population—to develop a risk portfolio of water stress over a large portion of Asia that includes China, India, and Mainland Southeast Asia in a future with unconstrained emissions.

The legal validity of the Punjab Termination of Agreements Act, 2004 is not only the case being faced by the state with regard to river waters in the Supreme Court and elsewhere.

This is a collection of stories represents an introduction to the people and places benefiting from the work of ICIMOD’s Koshi Basin Programme.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of U.R. Beniwal Vs. State of Rajasthan & Ors dated 15/02/2016 regarding unlawful extraction of groundwater by industries in Jodhpur, Rajasthan.

It is undisputed that the area in question is a ‘Dark Zone’ for the purpose of extraction of water. Counsel appearing for the Applicant points out that the inspection team has noticed that by and large all industries are extracting ground water unauthorisedly and do not have permission from the CGWA.

Freshwater scarcity is increasingly perceived as a global systemic risk. Previous global water scarcity assessments, measuring water scarcity annually, have underestimated experienced water scarcity by failing to capture the seasonal fluctuations in water consumption and availability. We assess blue water scarcity globally at a high spatial resolution on a monthly basis. We find that two-thirds of the global population (4.0 billion people) live under conditions of severe water scarcity at least 1 month of the year. Nearly half of those people live in India and China.

Aurangabad: Water expert Madhavrao Chitale on Sunday said that diverse conditions have created issues related to equal distribution of water and localised sources of water must be created.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Shailesh Singh V/s. Hotel Holiday Regency, Moradabad & Ors. dated 11/01/2016 regarding groundwater extraction by hotels in Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh.

Five hotels are arrayed as the respondents in the present application seeking restoration of environment and measures to protect the ground water level.
