Four farmers killed in police firing while demanding more water for irrigation; anger still brewing

Thirsty Planet: Strategies for Sustainable Water Management

wisening up: The Kerala government has announced its decision to undertake a massive rainwater harvesting scheme throughout the state on a war-footing. The move is believed to have been triggered by

Elections always teach lessons. The outcome of the 2004 polls is still a few days away but we have already learnt from media reports that the water scarcity has left a countrywide imprint. The crying

Ten African nations show how a river can be shared peacefully

To improve management of water resources in India

Martha Wangari Karua is a cabinet minister for water resource management and development in Kenya. A lawyer by profession, she is among that rare breed of no nonsense politicians fighting to provide water for all in her water scarce country. In an exclusi

Of rising temperatures and dipping groundwater levels

A programme in crisis. RICHARD MAHAPATRA and E VIJAYALAKSHMI find out the many ways decentralised planning is faltering

Singapore may just have discovered a remedy to reduce water wastage at the household level. The city is known for its long standing efforts at saving water through recycling water and promoting rainwater harvesting. Now, they have started the Water Effic
