Enable Block: 

A non governmental organisation uses the metal to purify water

...In Kanpur s Jajmau area, chromium enters food chain. How spent is the Ganga Action Plan?

Damages white blood cells

Why Sri lanka s coastal regulations can t be effective

The 20th anniversary of the Bhopal calamity fell on December 3, 2004. The world

• Till recently people in Southeast Sudan relied on broadcasts from the country's capital Khartoum or from London, uk for information about their own affairs. Finally a new newspaper, The

Cruel punishment: The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Refugee Coordination Unit (RCU) recently stopped food distribution to 3,142 refugees in Bhutans' Jhapa refugee

A new device to measure wastewater pollution on-site

Seized foreign vessels pollute sea near Andaman islands

During 2000, the estimated quantity of solid waste generated in Delhi, India was more than 9000 tones per day. This is one of the biggest sources of environmental degradation in capital city of India. Since 1950's over 12 large landfill have been packed with all kinds of nonbiodegradable and toxic waste of Delhi. The area covered is at least 1% (14.83 square kilometer) of total Delhi's area.
