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River Swat of Pakistan has been contaminated to such an extent that its waters are now unfit for drinking or for irrigation purposes. The North West Frontier Province government had formed a River

China's premier protected reserve for the giant panda is degrading faster than the rest of its habitat. Attempts to protect the giant panda are proving counter-productive. A new study finds that

About half of Cameroon's rural population and some 42 per cent of urban residents have no access to potable water, according to the country's ministry of mines, water and power. "Waterborne diseases

Authorities and the leather industry owners in Tamil Nadu dodge court orders, while a few individuals raise voices to save their ecosystems from tannery waste

a move to solve one problem, is creating another one for the Andhra Pradesh government. The Supreme Court had ordered the state governments to dispose off effluents without contaminating any

Forest bureaucracy arms itself to halt the spread of CFM • In the guise of a finance bill, the Nepalese government has given district forest officers powers to punish forest users' groups

Magnetic scraps are converted into valuable alloys

First observed evidence of long term effects of GHG emissions

Unlike sub-Saharan African countries, Brazil will not get discounts on two Acquired Immuno Defici

In Dihra, a small village 28 km southwest of Bihar 's capital Patna, was facing water shortage. The canal that brings water from Sone canal river failed to meet their irrigation demands. Led by
