As would be expected in a maturing market, there are considerable changes in the wind energy industry, particularly when viewed over a period of several years rather than in any one year in particular. The size of wind farms continues to grow, as does the size of the wind turbines which populate them.

After harsh contention the conservative and social democrats forming the fractious German government have agreed on a revision of the Renewable Energy Sources Act that regulates clean power promotion. Dispute was sharpest over provisions of photovoltaics.

The ability to know today how much wind power will be produced over the next few days provides a decisive advantage over the energy market. Thanks to a new system developed by German University spin-off energy & meteo systems, it's now possible to obtain an accurate forecast of the energy output from wind parks for up to ten days in advance.

Although wind energy is a rapidly growing technology its use remains geographically concentrated, with more than 75 percent
of global installed capacity found in just five countries. These countries, and others wishing to develop wind energy have

A grass-roots movement to generate power in towns and basements is challenging the energy industry's status quo.

Amid a challenging economic outlook

The gold medal for new wind power production in 2007 goes to the United States. More than 5,200 megawatts of capacity were installed there, a new world record. New factories are to ensure further growth, provided the promotion criteria are extended in time.

The demands on wind turbines to support the power grid are growing in Germany and Spain. Some sector lobbyists see no sense in various stipulations by the grid operators.

This article aims to look at the determinative factors and conditions of private participation in the wind sector in the states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala which will be guided by the following approaches from political sciences and (relational) economic geography.
