The report focuses on the critical question of advancing gender equality, as seen through the prism of women

In its resolution 10/12, the Human Rights Council requested the Advisory Committee to undertake a study on discrimination in the context of the right to food, including identification of good practices of anti-discriminatory policies and strategies, and

The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) 2005 has been a landmark legislation in the Indian history of social security legislation post independence.

The draft discussion paper offers available information on the differential links between climate change and the health of women and men through the perspectives of direct and indirect health consequences, and the possible interaction of biological and social risk factors in determining these impacts.

Bringing down the maternal mortality rate and setting up the patients

They aim to benefit pregnant women and the young.

The programme for young and adolescent girls integrates two existing schemes

While women are the mainstay of Indian farm and allied sectors, they are far from being the decision makers
Surinder Sud / New Delhi January 12, 2010, 0:14 IST

With traditional preoccupation of Indian women with agriculture coming under gradual stress due to advent of new technologies and change in farming pattern, the Directorate of Research on Women in Agriculture (DRWA) is working hard to redefine the role of women in farm sector.

Millions of trees in ecologically crucial areas like the Himalayas and Western Ghats have been saved by Chipko and Appiko Movement. These movements also worked for the regeneration of greenery over thousands of acres. The results can be seen in the forests of Jardhar and Piplet in Uttarakhand or the forests near Mendemane and Gubbigadde villages in Karnataka.

It is an accepted fact that the fast and skewed urbanization process that is presently taking place in the WHO South-East Asia (SEA) Region is becoming a powerful agent of change and is accompanied with economic opportunities, environmental threats and health challenges.
