The potential of urban agriculture for feeding a growing population is becoming increasingly visible. In Cuba,

Most of the world

Mushroom production is an untapped potential source of employment and income in Kerala. Janaki who has established herself as an enterprising entrepreneur in mushroom production is now a role model for several unemployed youth.

The Grameen Bank

IT is not surprising that questions of food security and the right to food have become such urgent political issues in India today. The rapid growth of aggregate income over the past two decades has not addressed the basic issue of ensuring the food security of the population.

Indian women are among the worst in the world when it comes to smoking. According to the latest Tobacco Atlas, the country ranks third in the top 20 female smoking populations across the globe.

To witness abject poverty, as it exists in subSaharan Ethiopia, one need not travel to that country.
Similar situation exists in India, as Madhya Pradesh (MP) has human development indicators which match the Ethiopian reality.

A vaccine invented 40 years ago by Baruch Blumberg has prevented millions of deaths from hepatitis B and liver cancer.

- Modelled on Amul, Deep Joshi

THE protection of forests and rivers is at the heart of protecting the ecology of the Himalayas. But any long-term, sustainable effort must include the concerns of people living near forests and rivers.
