While the recession, stock-market fluctuations, job losses, stimulus packages to revive industry and efforts to pull the GDP growth back to 9 percent are making headlines, a crucial subtext stands ignored.

While the recession, stock-market fluctuations, job losses, stimulus packages to revive industry and efforts to pull the GDP growth back to 9 percent are making headlines, a crucial subtext stands ignored.

About 50 percent mother and children in Natore are affected with anemia while one third women of Natore district are suffering from long-term malnutrition, creating a sort of threat for a healthy nation.


This study aims to look beyond the simple inclusion of women in village institutions and meetings, and understand whether the approaches being promoted by WaterAid and NEWAH are actually resulting to equity in influence over decisions made in water and sanitation. In addition, the study has tried to assess the benefits and impacts on men and women from improved access

In 1993, India introduced quota-based political reservations for women in rural areas with the objective to promote gender equality in human development by making rural service provision and local governance inclusive and responsive to the needs of women.

Cardiovascular risk factors start early, track through the young age and manifest in middle age in most societies. The authors conducted epidemiological studies to determine prevalence and age-specific trends in cardiovascular risk factors among adolescent and young urban Asian Indians.

Natural plant resources yielding both timber and non timber forest products (NTFP) have gained ground in the present global scenario for rural and urban upliftment for poverty alleviation and amelioration of national income respectively.

Its positive effects stay on for years breastfeeding for longer time periods reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks for the mother, later in life. 100,000 post-menopausal women in the US, who reported at least one live birth in their lifetime, were studied for risk of cardiovascular diseases by a team of researchers. Mothers who breastfed their children for at least a
