AHMEDABAD: Indian School of Microfinance for Women, Ahmedabad on Thursday organised a book launch ceremony at Centre for Environmental Education
(CEE). The book titled Learning from women leaders in microfinance' features 10 women leaders from different parts of the country. It was launched at a ceremony by institute chairperson and Sewa founder Elaben Bhatt.

So says a multi-centric study on nutrition-related diseases in women

NEW DELHI: A country-wide survey has indicated high prevalence of obesity, hypertension, diabetes and high cholesterol levels in women over 35 years of age in India.

Cervical cancer, an easily detectable and preventable form of the disease, kills about 50 per cent of the 500,000 women who are infected every year with the human papillomavirus (HPV). Four in five of the infected women are in developing countries, which account for 80 per cent of mortality from cervical cancer.

Observations of Shri Gopalkrishna Gandhi, Governor of West Bengal, at the Ladies' Study Group Charitable Trust Annual Award Ceremony,
The Taj Bengal, Kolkata, April 7 2009.

3-Year Countrywide Study Finds High Rate Of BP And Diabetes
Kounteya Sinha | TNN

New Delhi: Two in three women in urban India and one in three women in rural India above the age of 35 have been found to be overweight. Almost every second woman in urban India and every third woman in rural India were found to have high blood pressure.

Siliguri, April 3: A Raiganj-based NGO has decided to intensify its movement to protect the girl child in the region.


The National Rural Health Mission provides a large canvas and platform for health action, but Shyam Ashtekar (EPW, 13 September 2008) misses many issues and does not make his critique from the right perspective.

A study conducted by National Family Health Survey revealed that more than 70 per cent middle-aged Indian women are iron deficient.

More than 400 million women suffer from anaemia due to iron deficiency.

Understanding local attitudes towards human
