Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest rate of entrepreneurship in the world, with approximately 42 percent of the non-agricultural labor force classified as self-employed or employers.
Providing energy for home use, especially for cooking food and heating living spaces, without contributing to climate change demands creativity and perseverance.
In Northern Nigeria where I work as a nurse and polio vaccinator, only women are allowed to enter houses because most women in this part of the country are in purdah (practice of seclusion), says R
On any given morning in the locality of Al-Rahad in Sudan, women like Hawa Abdullah, dressed in bright colours, can be seen turning up the earth of their land or scattering seeds on their tractors.
NEW DELHI: In a move to sustain its improvements in reducing the HIV burden in India, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on Thursday approved continuation of the fourth phase of the N
A joint World Bank and the International Labour Organization (ILO) report “Exports to Jobs: Boosting the Gains from Trade in South Asia” breaks new ground in examining the impact of exports on local labor markets in South Asia.
The report Women working in the rooftop solar sector is one of the first in-depth studies analysing women’s participation in the workforce of the grid-connected renewable sector.