By Rashme Sehgal

New Delhi,Aug. 17: An RTI filed by the Yamuna Jiye Abhiyan (YJA) with the Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) has highlighted that quasi-government organisations are illegally extracting huge quantities of water from the Yamuna flood plain.

researchers have started telemetry tests on gharials in the Chambal river to gather information for the species

Banking heavily on the implementation of the interceptor sewer-system along three major drains to "clean' Yamuna, Delhi chief minister Sheila Dikshit on Monday asked Engineers India Limited (EIL), which is engaged in laying the interceptor lines, to complete work by 2010 end.

Two years ago, the water crisis in Delhi was at its peak. With the drought-like situation still fresh in their minds, most people today count water supply as a key factor in deciding where to live. Going by that trend, residents of East Delhi are the happiest lot. And that is not surprising given the fact the area has the best groundwater levels and a direct supply from the Ganga. With the Sonia Vihar water treatment plant commissioned, the area today faces hardly any shortage.

Biking along the Yamuna from Delhi to Agra, ravleen kaur hears constant calls for saving the river, but witnesses little action. Photographs by vaibhav raghunandan The roaring of motorcycles shattered the early morning calm on the Yamuna floodplains in Delhi. On World Environment Day on June 5, a group of professionals, farmers, activists and journalists gathered for a bike rally along the

A deep breath, an upward thrust of the head and before you can blink Bali disappears into water, only his feet stick out for a brief moment. As an employee of the Mathura Municipality Bali was involved in cleaning the Yamuna during the 1980s. Out of job, he has now turned into an opportunistic

Smriti Kak Ramachandran Forest Research Institute has come up with a proposal

On the day of World Environmental Day, June 5, we started our maiden trip on a motorcycle. The plan was to ride along the banks of river Yamuna, meeting people settled downstream, understand the river and connect with the people. At the same time, to look at the possibility of a campaign for Yamuna.

If anybody needed a reminder of how crippling bureaucracy can be, consider the campaign to clean up the sacred Yamuna River in Delhi. The river oozes through town like a putrid ribbon of black sludge. Its level of fecal bacteria is 10,000 times higher than what's deemed safe for bathing.

DDA's draft plan for P-II zone talks about a highrise sub-city, complete with leisure valley, museum, open-air theatres, etc Ambika Pandit | TNN Skyscrapers complete with helipads to help residents reach their workplaces in a matter of minutes, new apartments for 4.22 lakh families
