This paper is a critique of Srivastava and Kolady1 who reported a macro analysis of the benefits of Bt cotton in India using state wide average data. The analysis is in error with respect to the economic benefits, biological underpinnings, and the effects of Bt cotton technology adoption on resource-poor farmers growing rain fed cotton. Viable non GMO high density cotton alternatives that increase yields, reduce cost of production, and give higher net average returns were ignored. The authors argue for biotechnology adoption in other crops in India without providing data or analysis.

Coastal zones are dynamic interfaces of land and water of high ecological diversity and critical economic importance. The boundaries, shape and size of this coast change constantly under the influence of both natural and anthropogenic factors. The study area, Tupilipalem is one of the proposal sites for constructing a major port, to be named Dugarajapatnam Port, along the east coast of Andhra Pradesh, India.

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Plants with rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) level in the environment may change their nutrient demands to sustain growth. The mechanisms concerning iron dynamics in plants under the interactive effect of salinity and elevated CO2 are poorly understood. This study examines the effects of long-term as well as short-term growth at elevated CO2 and salt on iron deficiency-associated molecular responses of Porteresia coarctata through analysing the transcript expression of iron deficiency-responsive genes in the leaf tissue.

The objectives of the Winter Fog Experiment (WIFEX) over the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India are to develop better now-casting and forecasting of winter fog on various time- and spatial scales. Maximum fog occurrence over northwest India is about 48 days (visibility <1000 m) per year, and it occurs mostly during the December–February time-period. The physical and chemical characteristics of fog, meteorological factors responsible for its genesis, sustenance, intensity and dissipation are poorly understood.

Flood hazard causes great loss to lives and properties leading to disturbance in human society. Flood is the single most hydrometeorological hazard causing substantial losses. To gain better understanding of the flood phenomena especially for planning and mitigation purposes, flood risk analysis is often required. For the present study, the middle part of Panchganga river of Kolhapur district, Maharashtra was selected.

While we really have no shortage of women learning science and excelling therein as well as in teaching science, their involvement in ‘doing’ science, in leading and directing scientific investigations is not commensurate with those who train in science. While the small fraction of women in the scientific work force is a reality the world over, the situation in India differs from the West in some respects. In India, the matter of real concern is the precipitous loss in ‘trained scientific women power’ at the postdoctoral level. (Editorial)

The objective of rapid development of rural population in a sustainable manner with a view to bridging the urban–rural divide would require leveraging knowledge and technology in an environment conducive for innovation. The concept of a CILLAGE that incorporates the best of a city in a village is developed with this objective in mind. A CILLAGE is a knowledge-based ecosystem for integrated education, research, technology development and deployment as well as capacity building in rural areas. The focus of research work at a CILLAGE is on regional problems.

Why deny the reality that air pollution is killing millions in India, especially the poor? (Editorial)

A catastrophic flowslide occurred at the Hongao dumpsite on 20 December 2015 in the Guangming New District of Shenzhen, China. The flowslide caused 77 causalities and damaged 33 buildings. In the absence of extreme weather conditions and seismic activity, the causes of the failure were analyzed on the basis of multi-temporal remote-sensing images, site investigation, in situ tests, laboratory tests, and numerical analyses. Site investigations showed that the volume of the displaced material was 2.32  ×  106 m3 and the volume of the pre-failure waste filling was 6.27  ×  106 m3.

Accurate exposure estimation is essential for seismic risk assessment. Recent rapid urbanization and economic growth in China have led to massive spatiotemporal changes in both the asset value and GDP exposed to seismic hazards. Using available GDP data, the asset value dataset produced by Wu et al (2014a) and spatial disaggregation technology, gridded maps of GDP and asset value are overlaid with the latest seismic map to investigate spatiotemporal changes in economic exposure in the most seismically hazardous areas (MSHAs) in China in 1990, 2000 and 2010.
