Waste home

Architects across the world are promoting use of building materials derived from industrial waste.

Flyash [Thermal power plants] > Portland pozzolana cement, bricks, lime pozzolana mixture

Phosphogypsum [Fertiliser Plants] > Gypsum plaster, fibrous gypsum boards and blocks, cement clinker

Red mud [Aluminum extraction plant] > Bricks and tiles, light-weight structural blocks, roofing sheets and as additive to concrete

Blast furnace slag [Steel plants] > Portland blast furnace slag cement, as substitute for sand, light weight concrete

Limestone waste [Limestone quarry] > Masonry cement and activated lime pozzolana mixture

Lime sludge [Sugar, fertilizer, calcium carbide paper] > Portland cement, masonry cement, sand lime bricks

Rice husk [Rice mills] > Fibrous building panels, bricks

Bagasse [Sugar industries] > Insulation boards, wall panels

Banana leaves/stalk [Banana plants > Fire resistant fibre board

Groundnut shell [Groundnut oil mills] > Building panels, building blocks, roofing sheets

Cinder [Thermal power plants] > Concrete building blocks