Scientific evidence has established that climate change is accelerating the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events like droughts, floods, unseasonal rainfall and extreme temperatures.
An assessment report on the impacts of extreme weather events on the agricultural sector and lacunae in existing crop-loss estimation, relief and compensation mechanism.
The perception is that after peaking in 2005, US total greenhouse gas emissions have been reducing. Not true. Compared to 1990 levels, greenhouse gas emissions are up 6 per cent. 1990-2013
This year marked the 10-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, which swept through America’s Gulf coast, wreaking a staggering USD 108 billion in damage and killing more than 1,800 people.
As 2014, the year of farmer-producer organizations, comes to an end, check out the success stories of a few such organisations that showcase collective
efforts to battle challenges like shrinking landholdings and climate change related extreme weather events
As 2014, the year of farmer-producer organizations, comes to an end, check out the success stories of a few such organisations that showcase collective
efforts to battle challenges like shrinking landholdings and climate change related extreme weather events
In 2014, 17.5 million people were forced to flee their homes by disasters brought on by weather-related hazards such as floods and storms, and 1.7 million by geophysical hazards such as earthquakes - See more at:
Flash flooding triggered by torrential rains has killed 71 people in Gujarat, as annual monsoon season hits the country. Track the latest updates as floods threaten and disrupt normal life
Nearly 2,000 people in the country have lost their lives to heat wave this summer. As these numbers
continue to soar and experts debate on what lies ahead, a look at possible answers to questions that might be troubling most of us
The Earth Statement, written by 17 members of the Earth League, clarifies in 8 essential points what the international climate agreement at Paris 2015, COP 21, should achieve to provide the world with a decent chance of avoiding dangerous climate change
The UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), in this report has said that as much as US $314 billion will have to be spent every year to meet annual average losses from just earthquakes, tsunamis, tropical cyclones and river flooding.
The Climate Analysis Indicators Tool (CAIT 2.0), developed and maintained by the World Resources Institute, provides a comprehensive and comparable database of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data and other climate-relevant indicators
Europe's environment and climate policies have delivered substantial benefits, improving the environment and quality of life, while driving innovation, job creation and growth
The report forecasts an increased risk of global displacement caused by disasters, and calls for a stronger link between displacement and disaster risk reduction.
This portfolio of projects provides a ‘first generation’ view of how a set of cities have interpreted building urban climate change resilience (UCCR) challenges