Capital moves

Direct measures are to be implemented by 1997, including exclusive left lane for heavy vehicles, dedicated bicycle tracks, banning of shoulder parking on roads, pedestrian zones and decongestion of traffic. Indirect measures to be implemented by 2000, including public and mass transport systems, construction of bypasses and elevated express carriageway, improvement in road/rail systems.

• Pollution under control (PUC) certification facilities increased by 60 per cent . About 60 PUC test stations for diesel vehicles, enforcement drive by end of January 1997, 35,000 vehicles checked and 15,000 fined. Involvement of NGOs and students.

• Surprise checks in petrol pumps for fuel adulteration.

• A propane dispensing station inaugurated.

• Import of 100-200 buses with very efficient fuel engines and catalytic converters.

• Popularisation of compressed natural gas (CNG) and propane.

• A multicrore mass transport system, better traffic management, dedicated cycle paths.

• Sales tax reduction (from 8 to 4 per cent) for two-wheelers that confirm to standards set for 2000.

• Taking vehicles that are more than 15 years old off the road.