Sweat and shiver

this is a message for all those who use an umbrella during the rains: ensure it is made of sturdy stuff. In the future, the rain is going to be intesnse. The hot days are sure to be scorching and the cold ones freezing. The extremes of climate are poised to spike higher in the years to come. The effect of these extremes will impact more than just your umbrella.

Scientists and researchers agree that changes in frequency and intensity of extreme weather will have profound impact on human society and natural resources. In 1988, hurricane Mitch caused over 10,000 deaths in Central America. Since 1987, more than 360 extreme events have caused loss of over us$5 million each. Hurricane Andrew alone has wrought damage worth more than us $30 billion in 1992 in the us (Science , Vol 289, No 5484).

Climate extremes can be placed into two broad groups. One, extremes observed in climate and weather statistics, such as daily temperatures and annual rainfall. Two, more complex weather events, occurring randomly, including hurricanes and droughts. Observing patterns in these events, coupled with mathematical modelling, helps put a figure on the projections as well as attribute the changes to specific climate forcing process like increasing greenhouse gases (ghgs ).
High heat Global mean temperature is a statistic that falls in the first group of classification. It has increased by 0.6