The WHO will support new initiatives in India for hospital waste management, which of late is posing a serious problem in the country. While the guidelines for health care waste management in the

The three-day national network workshop on forest management which concluded here today, was organised by the Society for Promotion of wastelands Development (SPWD) for identifying the areas where

The State Government is planning to monitor the increasing vehicular pollution in the city by installing laser-based remote sensing equipment at various traffic intersections. Inaugurating a

A Singapore-based company has developed a cheaper, portable water desalination plant that could be assembled anywhere quickly, its chief executive officer said on Friday. The AquaGen International

False alarms : Nearly one third of all American women who undergo annual breast cancer checkups for a decade can expect to get at least one false alarm, wrongly suggesting the presence of a tumor,

China has drawn up reforms for its backward medical care system that aim to provide coverage for all urban workers and could generate more business for Western insurance companies. Under the plan,

In a significant move, the Madhya Pradesh Government is learnt to have urged the Government of India to constitute a fresh tribunal for adjudication over the use, distribution and control of the

The Karnataka Legislative Assembly today witnessed noisy scenes when Opposition members demanded that the Joint House Committee (JHC), set up to look into the issue of the suicide by farmers in

The National Water Policy, 1987, has addressed several issues on water quality and, in essence, it asserts that water is a scarce and precious national resource to be planned, developed and conserved

There is potential danger of land sinking in the Krishna-Godavari basin that is being extensively exploited for oil and gas, a geologist has warned. Subsidence of the region even by a small amount
