A new subject - rehabilitation of torture victims - might be introduced in the medical curriculum in all medical colleges in the country. It was learnt that the Indian Medical Association has

The Karnataka State government has prepared a Rs 100-crore plan for villages reeling under severe water

Health Minister H C Mahadevappa today stated in the Legislative Assembly that production of anti-rabies vaccines would be increased at the State's only vaccine producing unit at Belgaum under the

For the next phase of its strategy to complete the United Nations treaty to reduce global warming, the Clinton administration plans to ask energy-intensive industries for advice on how to fill in the

A water shortage has hit the Klang Valley, the country's most populous and industrialized area. Electronics plants use tremendous amounts of water. A factory run by an American multinational for

A group of German researchers has developed a process for converting unwanted wood into gas, which can be used to generate electricity and heat. The process uses "fluidised bed gassification" to

The gloves are finally off in Washington and the real fight over tobacco legislation has begun. After months of talking about compromises and consensus the issue has now come down to a head to head

Insurance suppliers and buyers are to issue unprecedented guidelines this summer to help companies identify environmental risks when they arrange insurance cover in UK. The Joint Pollution Working

New approaches to preventing colds could be opened up by the discovery of the structure of part of the receptor that allows cold viruses to enter the body. US researchers found that a common cold

Research by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology could lead to energy efficient batteries. The researchers identified a new class of materials that could form the cathode - or negative electrode
