The Supreme Court has stated that a forest corporation is not entitled to tax exemptions as it was a local autho

Missed your stations too often

a new set of guidelines have been prescribed by the Indian Council of Medical Research ( icmr) on the issue of transfer of biological material into and outside India for biomedical research.

By the end of this year, Lucent Technologies of New Jersey, USA, says that its optical fibres will be able to carry up to a jaw-dropping 400 billion bits of data per second. Although laboratory tests

the proposed 165-km long rail line between Hubli and Ankola, near the Goa border has drawn the ire of environmentalists who say that the project will cut through the evergreen forests of the

Toy-maker Lego is introducing

The forest fires in Indonesia show no signs of abating. Up to 1,000 fires are blazing at present. The situation is set to worsen as the drought drags on. ( Down To Earth , Vol 6, No1)

Strange, but it s true. Sound can help you see through things

New evidence on an ancient human species, Homo erectus, sheds light on their technical ability and capacity to use symbols for communication

Computers master one of the most difficult languages on planet
