Young children in North Korea appear considerably better nourished than they did a year ago, presumably as a result of international food aid, the executive director of the UN World Food Program said

Two years from the start of the 2000 census, it is shaping up as the most contentious in 80 years, generating a firestorm of debate in Congress and litigation aimed at blocking the Census Bureau from

experts question need for new water policy: Tamil Nadu is concerned over the reported statement of the Karnataka Chief Minister that the interim award of the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal should

Opposition to the plan of setting up a 170-MW naptha-based power plant along the banks of the Gurupura river near the New Mangalore port is slowly beginning to mount with the Dakshina Kannada

Applying small amounts of flyash - a polluting waste from thermal power plants - to soil can help to improve agricultural yields, says crop scientists. Adding flyash to soil improves growth and yield

The Indian farm Forestry Development Co-operative (IFFDC) has put forward a proposal to the Global Environment facility (GEF) for undertaking co-operative farming for afforestation which will have

The World Bank has expressed happiness over the speedy implementation of the mega Mumbai sewage disposal project (MSDP) which includes construction of marine outfalls meant to discharge sewage three

The Tamil Nadu State Local Administration Minister, Mr. Ko.Si Mani, has said that the Government was keen to provide protected drinking water supply to all the villages in the State by

US power giant Enron Corp has withdrawn its application for a hydropower project in Nepal which was to have involved up to $6.0 billion, a senior governemnt official said on

Displaced people to get Rs 3,000 cr.: The Karnataka State Cabinet has agreed to pay an unprecedented Rs. 3,000 crores as compensation under the "consent award" for the acquisition of 3.50 lakh acres
