Russia's acting nuclear energy minister has asked the U.S. government to return to the original bilateral deal under which Russia sold uranium from dismantled nuclear warheads to the U.S. In 1993,

Land tax on farmers in Tamil Nadu has been waived this year in view of the floods during the monsoons, Chief Minister M Karunanidhi announced in the state assembly on

The Haryana Government has enhanced financial assistance from Rs. 250 to Rs. 350 per child per month being given to the institutions run by social organisations in the State for providing them free

The Maharashtra Government's ambitious Krishna Valley Development Corporation project will irrigate five districts fully and two districts partially. The drought-prone districts of Ahmednagar and

A Division Bench of the Karnataka High Court has upheld the order of the Single Judge in dismissing the petition filed by Dr. K.V. Bengeri, former Chairman of the Karnataka State Pollution Control

In Uttar Pradesh, better-off farmers have installed diesel or electric pumps to lift water from rivers and streams to irrigate their crops - but for most the cost of fuel is too high. Mangal Singh, a

The Finance Ministry has notified the grant of 125 per cent weighted deduction on research and development (R&D) expenditure. The provision had been included in the Finance Act 1997 and the benefit

Taking cognisance of the country's burgeoning population on the one hand, and the respositioning of family planning as a health intervention at par with child survival and safe motherhood initatives

Since the first hikers reached the world's highest peak in 1953, hundreds have followed in their footsteps, discarding empty oxygen bottles along the way.Now a team of American hikers wants to make

A three-day International Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition is being organised at Delhi from Tuesday to highlight issues relating to the upstream petroleum
