AS the date for the United Nations (un) conference on women -- in Beijing in September -- approaches, the Vatican is chafing for a repeat showdown. It has released a statement spitting fire and

Scientists discover that the blood in the umbilical cord is a treasure trove of treatments for various diseases

Uranium deposits have been found in "fractured controlled mineralisation" in granite rocks near Tshundapalli and Mullapalli in the Cuddapah district of Andhra Pradesh. While such deposits have been

Incidence of Down's syndrome linked to fallout from nuclear weapons testing

Environmentalists in Kerala are up in arms against the proposed clearing of 250 acres of thick tropical forests in the Periyar Tiger Reserve, the largest national park in the state. The state

A biornaterial based on coral's structure to set broken bones

After successfully thwarting the efforts of the Thapar-Dupont combine to set up a Nylon 6,6 project in their state, Goan greens are now opposing the construction of a multi-million glass fibre plant

In an effort to save the world's dwinilling stock of fish, pharmaceutical and nufritign products industry are turning towards algae-derived polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Two firmis -

Which is the most sought-after item in the bars of Beijing? Incredible, but true: it is fresh air. With pollution levels in Beijing reaching perilous heights -- the levels of some hazardous chemicals

Low levels of important nutrients like selenium can turn a benign virus into its virulent form, claim American scientists. Researchers Melinda Beck and her colleagues at the University
