After 30 long years of blissful co-existence, the honeymoon is finally over between esso and Shell, the 2 uk oil giants, who had tied the knot in 1965 and taken solemn oaths of exploring the North

Seasonal outbreaks of meningitis at the beginning of each year is not quite unusual in West Africa. This year too, the disease -- which affects the brain and the spinal cord -- has already claimed

Unsustainable economic conditions and farming practices have reduced 80 per cent of the total surface area of the southern Argentine state of Patagonia -- once prime grazing land for sheep -- to

Chagas' disease, a debilitating tropical scourge named after Brazilian doctor Carlos Chagas, is threatening to swamp Bolivia. Half of the nation's 3.5 million strong population is exposed to the

The scourge of malaria is terrorising the tribals of Bangladesh's border areas, killing them like flies; Joyrampur's (Mymensingh district) Garo tribals are no exception. Fifteen hundred people living

Indonesia's National Family Planning Board has opened a 24-hour AIDS telephone information line -- the AIDS/HIV Information and Consultancy Service -- for Jakarta residents. According to the daily

Kathmandu has finally found a way out for its mounting problem of waste management. In a letter to the Mayor of Kathmandu municipality, the residents of Chunikhel, an obscure village in Kathmandu

• A grant of US $172,000 for cataract research has been extended by the US-based National Eye Institute to an Indian research group consisting of D Balasubramaniam and Mohan Rao of the Centre

In view of the pollution caused to the Reth river by the tanneries near Barabanki in Uttar Pradesh, the High Court has directed the state pollution control board to provide the details of the

The Supreme Court's directive on saving the coastal zone in West Bengal is being followed religiously by the state pollution control board. Prawn farms will no longer function unless they follow
