Interpreting the word "harm" -- used in the Endangered Species Act, 1973 -- in favour of the environmentalist lobby, the US Supreme Court recently upheld an Interior Department regulation to protect

The ingenuity of Tracy Phillips, an 18-year-old senior of Long Beach High in Lido Beach, New York, usa, has ensured that sightless people are no longer bamboozled. Tracy has invented a wallet-sized

More than 2/3rds of the world's population uses polluted water to fulfil its requirements. Physicist Ashok Gadgil and his team at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, have devised

While scientists debate whether electric cars are environmental saints or sinners, New Jersey-based Engelhard Corp has invented a catalyst that may turn gas-guzzlers from air-foulers into clean-up

The UN's 50th anniversary celebrations in San Francisco started in early July on a gloomy note owing to the realisation that the organisation was going broke. Irregular budget contributions by member

The Gujarat government has embarked on an ambitious project to put an end to child labour in the state. Developed by the Gandhi Labour Institute, Ahmedabad, the project involves a Rs 27-crore phased

AN alternative structural adjustment programme (asap), formulated by the Guyana-based Bretton Woods Reform Organisation (bwro), has managed to garner German support for itself. Backed by Germany's

Big Daddy has finally been forced to sell himself. In what the Washington-based ngo Development Gap termed a "desperate and amateurish attempt at public relations", in May the World Bank (wb) paid to

Many of the Caribbean's hiv positive patients are choosing to keep their status secret from their sexual partners; they continue to have unprotected sex. aids awareness programmes in the region have

THE inefficacy of locally made vaccines, according to doctors, is fanning the resurgence of a diphtheria epidemic in Russia and the newly independant states of the former Soviet Union. In the first 9
