A mysterious disease with symptoms similar to haemorrhagic fever has swept the city of Nova Olina Do Norte in Brazil's Amazon region. It has spread panic among the local people, who are afraid that

Zambia's plans to bring in 1 million tonnes of maize to avoid famine after the 1991-92 southern African drought has come a cropper because the country had no organisation to receive the imported

The great new hope of Latin American businessmen is a 2,000 mile-long waterway called the Hidrovia. The project is likely to speed up shipping by straightening and deepening the Paraguay and Parana

Cyberspace technology has hit Hollywood. While actors are shooting at sites in Hollywood, the back- drop is being built inside the memories of computers in London. Lawntnower Man 2: lobe's

Mexico's pledge to clean up the 2,500-mile border it shares with the us -- an environmental side accord to the North American Free Trade Agreement (nafta) -- is in jeopardy for want of funds. Foreign

Martin Cooper of the National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside in the UK has developed a laser technique to deans off the dirt from sculptures without damaging them (New Scientist, Vol

The international commercial fishing industry is posing a serious threat to Ecuador's Galapagos Islands, an invaluable living laboratory of evolution 650 miles west of the mainland. A growing demand

Aircraft flying over Calcutta lose precibus time awaiting instructions from overburdened ground con- trollers. The Calcutta air corridor is a notorious bottleneck in international air traffic,


Beset by falling fish catches, Cuba has decided to create new, highly independent and flexible production units, with economic and labour conditions which will guarantee worker stimulation. The move

New genetic techniques to introduce disease resistance and other traits in banana plants
