CONVERTING GARBAGE: Deliverance from stinking garbage dumps in Calcutta has finally become a possibility, thanks to a planned Rs 4.5 crore project for bio-converting solid waste into fertilizers. To

After the muckraking about the Clean Water Act's revision is over, the Republicans have now turned to the long-besieged Endangered Species Act (ESA), which seeks to protect wildlife habitats and

The versatile computer has found a pew role - that of a therapist. In a study at Georgia Tech, psychologists have used virtual reality to treat a group of 10 people suffering from acrophobia - an

THE World Bank's (WB) "project completion report" for the controversial Sardar Sarovar dam on the Narmada river has cast a shadow over the project's future. India's unimpressive track record in

UNEP goes Earthwide with an environmental agenda

Scientists are now using lasers to control the optical properties of gases. This technique has applications in many areas including high- sensitivity microscopy and ultra sensitive magnetometers

Trampling opposition, the nuclear armed nations succeeded in extending the NPT

Rudyard Kipling gave us unbelievable stories about the humane wolf. Now, a court decision reaffirms the animal's vital role in the ecosystem

India's good old neem tree could be used by industry if it stands by its assurances of research and resources

A theory developed to study chess and poker offers an insight into why some animals cheat
