Environmentalists and Democrats in America gear up to tackle the Republican "onslaught" on landmark protection laws

RUSSIA's nuclear industry faces a battle for survival in the coming years. Last year, the industry produced 97.8 billion kilowatts (kw) of electricity, 18 per cent less than in 1993 - the decline

The US Environmental Protection Agency gets a rap on its knuckles

Computers assist astronomers in classifying galaxies

Come monsoon, and archaeologists will be testing the revival of an Ancient water harvesting system in this historic Buddhist town

BENZENE hexachloride and malathion showed up in vegetables from the Azadpur wholesale vegetable market, prompting the ministry of agriculture to order the phasing out of chemical pesticides in

Global computer companies find that all roads now lead to Brazil, Despite its reputation as a banana republic

Scientists may soon know what powers quasars

THE Pakistan government has ambitious plans to tap coal reserves under the vast expanses of the Thar desert, but environmentalists warn that unfettered development could do more.harm. than good.

The quality of drinking water is to be monitored through district laboratories
