Ray of hope

Paluther, an anti-malarial drug developed by Chinese scientists in 1973, promises new hope to the millions suffering from the killer disease. On trial for the past 3 years in Tanzania and Kenya, the drug is expected to replace chloroquine and other anti-malarials in use in the 2 countries.

Shrikant Bhatt, who chairs the department of medicine in the University of Nairobi, says preliminary results show that Paluther is more effective than other anti-malarials. The growing resistance of certain malarial parasites to chloroquine has been disconcerting scientists across the world; Paluther's efficacy in building resistance to malaria and fighting malarial parasites as well will reassure them.

If introduced in the market, Paluther will join the SPF66, another anti-malarial vaccine developed by Columbian scientist Manuel Patarroyo, which is undergoing tests in Tanzania and Gambia.(IPS)