Website review:

It is a must-bookmark site for anyone interested in environmental and development issues. It offers up-to-date facts and figures as well as analyses of environmental trends and policy initiatives. EarthTrends is the information portal of the World Resources Institute (wri), a us-based environmental think tank. The site has ten main sections, such as coastal and marine ecosystems.

Each section can be explored by several options: searchable database, data tables, country profiles, maps and features. The features include well-researched articles. With the help of the searchable database, one can retrieve over half a century of environmental data. For instance, one can find information about sector-wise energy consumption in developed/developing countries in 1960. Or how many protected wildlife areas and threatened animal species were there in each European country in 1955. From the site can also access the other sections of the wri site, including information on all its publications.