Responsible tourism is especially important within natural areas so that the integrity of the environment and local community is not compromised. When natural resources are involved in tourism it is often referred to as eco-tourism, however, eco-tourism is still guided by the three same principles – social, environmental and economic.

Several cities in India including Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, have begun to take steps to implement fiscal measures to address the problem of air pollution and congestion. The key focus of the fiscal measures are clean fuels and technologies including CNG, LPG and zero emissions technologies;

This report is the product of a journalistic investigation on clinical trials. It set out to identify ethical concerns in clinical trials that were conducted in India and used for approval of new drugs in the European Union (EU).

This issue of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture features some of the aspects of fisheries and aquaculture that may receive increasing attention. Among these aspects are climate change, the use of marine genetic resources in areas beyond national jurisdiction, and the proliferation of private standards

Standing Committee on Agriculture, present this Forty Sixth Report on

This study is in two parts. The first part, which uses aggregate trade data, examines the impact of Preferential and Regional Trade agreements on India

To achieve efficacy in scale up efforts, different approaches are likely to be appropriate for different countries and interventions.

Bera is a village of approximately 40 households located in Core II of Sariska Tiger Reserve. The population of Bera is comprised entirely of Gujar pastoralists, who depend on the forest for animal fodder, as well as for fuel wood and various non-timber forest produce.

This analysis uses input-output analysis to examine the economic
contributions of U.S. mining in terms of output, employment, payroll, personal income and payroll taxes. For the purpose of this analysis, the U.S. mining includes the mining of coal, uranium, metal ores, stone quarrying, sand and gravel and other nonmetallic minerals. It excludes oil and natural gas extraction.

The 2008-09 Economic Survey of Bihar has projected a 5.57 per cent growth in the Net State Domestic Product (NSDP)after comfortably surpassing the previous records of achieving only around three to four per cent growth per annum.
