This paper focuses on adaptation planning efforts by both state and local governments. Many of these efforts are in their earliest stages. Some states are including adaptation within
the scope of their state Climate Action Plans addressing GHG emissions. A few others have recognized the need for separate and comprehensive adaptation commissions to parallel their

This bill drafted by the Health ministry recognises

Global Economic Prospects 2009: Commodities at the Crossroads analyzes the implications of the crisis for low-and middle-income countries, including an in-depth look at long-term prospects for global commodity markets and the policies of both commodity producing and consuming nations. Developing countries face sharply higher borrowing costs and reduced access to capital.

This publication is targeted at the general public to highlight an important but often overlooked issue, and to serve as a source of information and inspiration. The material presented in this publication is based on a large volume of work by many institutions and scientists around the world researching marine invasive species and developing means to prevent, manage and mitigate bioinvasions.

A draft of the South Asia Region Climate Change Strategy. Aimed at supporting the development priorities of south asian nations by addressing climate-change related risks and opportunities, focuses on adaptation and climate impacts on economic growth and poverty reduction.

This paper highlights the regulatory issues and practical challenges related to the development of NTFP enterprises in Nepal. Identifies regulatory challenges that affect the key processes of forest?based enterprise management.

A recent analytical report examining the multiple challenges that global climate change raises for the management of shared freshwater resources.Assesses the prospective risks to human security and explores how policies and institutions can evolve to ensure sustainable water supplies in a warming world.

This study addresses the question with a rigorous econometric approach and distills global results from a multitude of evidence. The data set compiled is unique in its coverage, size, and composition, making it possible to address for the first time methodological problems that have plagued empirical research and hampered conclusive results. The findings provide some answers,

This study makes a comparative analysis of 15 cities in the Asian region, including some megacities, medium sized cities, and smaller cities, in their capacity to absorb stress, to manage it and recover from it.

This paper addressing food irradiation is one in a series published by the Grocery Manufacturers Association to evaluate and explore the science behind some of the most talked about food-related issues of importance to consumers and policymakers. The Grocery Manufacturers Association represents the world
