The Caspian region is one of the oldest hydrocarbon producing areas in the world, and is emerging once again as a major source of growth in global oil and gas supply.

The audit report conducted by the Comptroller and Auditor General on management of fuel for Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs). DAE has been blamed for being unable to exploit the country

The main objective of the present study is to analyse the implications of shifting from free allocation to auctioning of EU ETS allowances (EUAs) for the power sector in the Netherlands. In

This resettlement plan is prepared to deal with impacts of land acquisition and resettlement issues resulting from the rehabilitation of the road sub-project. The plan provides an analysis of the impacts, identifies the nature and types of losses, and establishes and entitlement matrix as a guide to payments for compensation and resettlement benefits.

The State of the World

Poverty and health are inextricably linked as the poor are always the first to suffer from degraded soil, water, and environment. For poor farmers in developing countries, inappropriate use of pesticides is known to be a serious problem.

Considering the costs and risks of inaction, ambitious action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is economically rational. However, success in abating world emissions will ultimately require a least-cost set of policy instruments that is applied as widely as possible across all emission sources (countries, sectors and greenhouse gases).

This report urges them to fully recognise the scale of the task ahead, to overcome the inertia of

Despite the fact that India is experiencing tremendous growth as an industrialised society, it is estimated that at least 400 million people live on or below the poverty line. The majority of these people live in the many tens of thousands of rural villages scattered around the sub-continent. Life in rural India has in many respects remained much the same for the past several hundred years.

According to the concept of historical responsibility, the commitments of individual countries to take action on climate
