Planning for development in rapidly urbanizing Asia requires a fresh look. This book contrasts the urban development experiences and practices of the two giant countries in Asia: the People

Air quality management (AQM) is still a major challenge in Asia. The fast growing Asian economies and continued urbanization have increased the demand for mobility and energy in the region, resulting in high levels of air pollution in cities from transport, industry and other sources. This report presents an update on efforts and progress to improving air quality in

Global warming is confronting developing countries across the globe with enormous challenges not of their own making. The impacts of a warming world are now threatening to set back progress in improving the quality of life for billions of people. Water resources are likely to be impacted early and strongly in many countries; developing countries, however, are the most vulnerable.

The poorest countries are suffering most from climate change. It endangers successes in poverty alleviation and the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals as well as the ecological, economic and social stability of developing countries. For this reason, tackling climate change is also one of the main elements of sustainable development.