Due to regulations and compliance issues for urban centers

Carbon trading can have a significant influence on the bottom line and is here to stay. Its future, however, is uncertain and is
driven by emerging legislation for the period after 2012. In the face of this uncertainty, what should executives responsible
for investment outcomes post-2012 be doing now to ensure they maximize competitiveness and minimize risk?

The UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) convened a High-Level Policy Dialogue to discuss

The North East Region (NER) refers collectively to the eight
states located in the midst of the East Himalayan region in the
north-eastern part of India, constituting Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura.
The region is well endowed with natural resources and ideal
climatic conditions for agriculture, tea and rubber plantations

Providing safe drinking water to poor families in the coastal area of Andhra Pradesh is critical for the economic development of the region as well as to improve health and living conditions.

The objective of this report is to determine the impacts and vulnerabilities of forests and the forest sector to climate change and if corresponding policies and instruments have been implemented to promote the adaptation of forests and the forest sector.

Food is one of the most important determinants of health, which is why the food must be nutritive and safe, the processes involving cultivation, storage conducted with safety as a priority and where equitable distribution is ensured. This report makes an effort to put forth the important health and safety concerns arising from genetic engineering in agriculture.

This paper seeks to contribute to the literature on village governance and local public goods provision. Using data from 144 village-level governments in India's Tamil Nadu state, the paper examines whether the gender and caste of village government leaders influence village public goods provision.

This paper examines the financial and economic feasibility of adoption of an energy-conserving technology in the household sector in Sri Lanka. Results shows that the adoption of this energy-conserving technology is financially profitable and economically viable. Systematic incorporation of environmental benefits further strengthens the case for energy conservation.

The health impacts of air pollution depend on the pollutant type, its concentration in the air, length of exposure, other pollutants in the air, and individual susceptibility. The undernourished, very young and very old, and people with preexisting respiratory disease and other ill health, may be more affected by the same concentrations than healthy people.
