A field study report on demonstration results of identified best indigenous, eco-friendly and climate resilient agricultural practices in Nepal

The study is an integral part of the improving Regional Food Security Governance Project and one of the specific objectives of the project is to increase engagement of the target groups, networks in relevant forums to protect and promote indigenous, eco-friendly farm practices and farmer interests. Within the framework of the project and in compliance with the objective, emphasis is given towards identification of best indigenous, eco-friendly and climate resilient agriculture farming practices through establishment of demonstration plots and replication of proven results among farmers. It is therefore crucial to demonstrate and promote these practices and technologies in the project area to generate some evidences. These demonstration pilots, driven of results, and their dissemination and replication by the farmers will serve as evidences for small and marginal farmer's friendly policy advocacy. On the basis of these evidences, the target group will advocate that these practices should be promoted by government by mainstreaming them in policy, plans and programs. Thus, the overall objective of the study and compilation of this report is to compile the results derived from demonstrations pilots, their dissemination and replication by farmers as well serve as evidences for small and marginal farmer's friendly policy advocacy.
