These guidelines are for 3000 MW. MNRE will indicate the total quantity for various States based on response received from the States. The scope of these guidelines is limited to providing the necessary policy and operational framework for development of projects under the above mentioned “State Specific Bundling Scheme”.

This summary report informs on the journey of knowledge transfer on decentralised energy access from India to Africa and other Asian countries, the outcomes and the next steps.

Universal electricity access – one of the targets of the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) initiative for 2030 – will remain unachievable unless countries adopt a market-based approach to off-grid renewable energy deployment.

Uncovering Patna’s solar potential is the first step towards positioning rooftop solar as a solution to the state’s power woes. This report provides the city’s stakeholders, data and insights needed to ensure the solar revolution in Patna.

Global subsidies to the energy sector are US$2 trillion per year. This study explores how subsidies can impede the entry of efficient lighting technologies into off-grid markets. The issue of fuel subsidies is key to understanding the dynamics of the off-grid lighting market.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on micro grids under green energy system, 08/12/2014.

Experience sharing from the German energy policy toolkit and operation experience could provide insights and eventually assist India to successfully implement these missions and help the tropical subcontinent use its large renewables potential.

The purpose of the study is to present a detailed overview of the status of renewable energy in Maharashtra and to identify the key barriers and challenges to the growth of RE in the state.

The Government of Uttar Pradesh is equally committed to promote the deployment of rooftop solar photovoltaic plants.

Grid connected SPV rooftop systems: policy and regulatory framework in various states as on 14.11.2014.
