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The earth's rapid warming has pushed temperatures to their hottest level in nearly 12,000 years and within a hairbreadth of a million years, a new study by the U.S. space agency NASA shows. Global

The highly contaminated French aircraft carrier, Clemenceau, will shortly leave the southwestern port of Toulon to be dismantled at the ship-breaking yards at Alang in Gujarat, the Defence Ministry

An international team of scientists has raised an unexpected objection: some tree-planting projects may, they suggest, be doing more harm than good. Carbon offsetting allows people to pay someone

Scientists claim to have solved the mystery of links between El Nino and the failure of Indian monsoons, a development that could lead to more accurate forecasts. "We show that El Nino events with

British billionaire Richard Branson committed to spending all the profits from his airline and rail businesses

This could be the hottest year ever recorded, posing a threat to Arctic wildlife including polar bears, ice-dwelling seals and several forms of vegetation, according to United Nations scientists
