Status report of Punjab Pollution Control Board in the matter of Nitin Dhiman Vs State of Punjab & Others dated 22/04/2024.
The matter related to pollution of Buddha nallah district Ludhiana, Punjab. The NGT, January 4, 2024 had directed the Punjab Pollution Control Board to take samples from Buddha Nallah at different locations and get the same analyzed for quality with respect to all parameters prescribed for treatment of sewage/industrial effluents and file a report. The NGT had also directed the PSPCB and Municipal Corporation, Ludhiana to file status report relating to the action taken against the non-compliant units, present status of closure, compliant status of all dyeing industries not connected to CETPs, status of dyeing industries with regard to withdrawal and utilization of groundwater, wastewater generated by dyeing industries, wastewater of dyeing industries received in the CETPs, production capacity and share in CETPs.
As per the report submitted by the PSPCB, all CETPs are discharging their treated effluent into Buddha Nallah leading to river Sutlej. The analysis of the water samples collected revealed that the concentration of different parameters of water flowing in Buddha nallah are more thanthe prescribed standards for STP, thus making the water not fit for irrigation with respect to parameters like coliform, COD and BOD.
About 300 dyeing units are operating in the area of Ludhiana district, out of which about 265 units fall in the catchment area of Buddha Nallah, which originates in village Koom Kalan of district Ludhiana and runs parallel to river Sutlej on its south till Buddha nallah joins river Sutlej at village Walipur Kalan, Ludhiana district. For the treatment of wastewater of the dyeing industries, 3 common effluent treatment plants (CETPs) of total capacity 105 MLD have been installed at Ludhiana by the Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs).
Apart from the 211 dyeing units, about 54 dyeing units are such which could not join the CETPs due to geographical reasons and scale of the industries. Out of these 54 dyeing units, 12 units are of large scale category, 16 units are of small category scattered at different places and 26 units are situated at Industrial Area-A, Ludhiana. All the 54 dyeing units are having their own captive effluent treatment plants for the treatment of wastewater and discharge their treated wastewater into public sewer for which standards have been laid down by the MoEF&CC.