Joint committee report in the Original Application No. 1375 of 2024 in compliance to National Green Tribunal dated December 19, 2024.

Report filed by the Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board in the matter of News item titled 'Residents stage protest against pollution caused by Vijayawada Thermal Power Station" which appeared in the Hindu, November 4, 2024. The report was dated February 22, 2025.

M/s Dr. Narla Tatarao Thermal Power Station is a thermal power plant operating at Ibrahimpatnam, NTR district with an electricity production capacity of 2560 MW.

Reply by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in the matter of Ganga pollution Vs State of Uttar Pradesh & Others dated 10/02/2025. The matter is related to pollution of river Ganga in Uttar Pradesh.

The CPCB had constituted about 50 teams consisting of CPCB officials to undertake surprise and random inspection of 1370 grossly polluting industries (GPIs), 36 sewage treatment plants (STPs) and eight common effluent treatment plants (CETPs) / common chrome recovery unit (CCRU) located in Uttar Pradesh.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Satishchandra Patil Tripathi Vs State of Uttar Pradesh & Others dated 10/02/2024. The MA has been registered on the basis of the compliance report dated June 22, 2024 filed by Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board (UPPCB) in compliance of the NGT order dated February 12, 2024 passed in OA No. 487/2023.

Judgment of the Supreme Court in the matter of Vellore District Environment Monitoring Committee Vs The District Collector, Vellore district & Others dated 30/01/2025.

The matter related to pollution caused by untreated effluents discharged by tanneries and other industries in Tamil Nadu into the Palar river, posing a threat to the ecosystem.

Order of the Delhi High Court in the matter of Court on its own motion Vs Union of India & Others dated 28/01/2025.

The matter related to flooding, water logging and drainage issues in the Mundka village area on the account of torrential rain.

The petition- W.P.(C) 13190/2024, filed by the Maharani Bagh Co-Operative Housing Building and Welfare Society Ltd. & Anr. seeks demolition of illegal constructions on both sides of Taimoor Nagar and Khizarbad drains as well as removal of all the silt and garbage up to Yamuna Flood plains.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Western Zone Bench, Pune) in the matter of News item titled “Wagholi residents hit the roads”, Appearing in the Pune Mirror dated 11.02.2024 Vs Maharashtra State Pollution Control Board & Others dated 03/12/2024.

The matter related to pollution caused by unregulated movements of trucks in Wagholi area of Pune causing dust pollution and damaging the roads. Around 60 to 70 trucks were said to be commuting to and fro in Bawdi village which led to huge air pollution exceeding the permissible limit.

Inspection report of the joint committee constituted in the matter of Vijay Kumar Singh Vs State of Bihar & Others, 26/11/2024.

The team visited industry premises of M/s NTPC Ltd., Nabinagar Super Thermal Power Station, Nabinagar, Aurangabad and M/s Bhartiya Rail Bijlee Company Ltd. (BRBCL), Nabinagar, Aurangabad. The date of inspection was October 28-29, 2024.

Judgment of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Shalbjit Singh Vs Punjab State Pollution Control Board & Others dated 21/11/2024.

A letter petition dated November 5, 2022 was sent by Shalabhjeet Singh, resident of village Haibatpur, tehsil Derabassi, district SAS Nagar, Mohali complaining that M/s Nectar Life Sciences Limited is a pharmaceutical unit at village Haibatpur, tehsil Derabassi, District SAS Nagar, Mohali. It is discharging highly polluted chemical effluent in the agricultural field of the village, causing damage to crops and land.

Report of joint committee constituted in OA No 133/2024 (CZ) in the matter of Devidas Khatri Vs State of Rajasthan & Others.

The NGT, May 27, 2024 directed a joint committee to look into the matter of pollution of Chandlai lake, Jaipur. Most of the catchment area of the lake is surrounded by residential area and textile industries established in Sanganer area. Throughout the year, this water body receives domestic and industrial waste water discharged from textile units.
