Enable Block: 

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of News Item titled "Bengaluru stadium to get treated water supply for IPL matches amid crisis" appearing in India Today dated 21.03.2024.

Delhi—a city and union territory of India containing the country’s capital, New Delhi—continues to grow in population, posing challenges to civic agencies in the provision of citizens’ essential needs.

Status report on behalf of Government of NCT of Delhi in the matter of Pritipal Sharma Vs NCT of Delhi & Others dated 15/04/2024.

The matter related to regulation of borewells in Delhi. The report was in compliance to the NGT order, March 18, 2024.

The Chief Secretary, Government of NCT of Delhi convened a meeting of the officers from Delhi Jal Board (DJB), Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD), Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC), Delhi Police, Urban Development Department, Revenue department and other concerned departments on April 12, 2024.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of News Item titled "Bengaluru stadium to get treated water supply for IPL matches amid crisis" appearing in India Today dated 21.03.2024.

Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board was directed to file a detailed report disclosing complete details of quantity and source of water being used in M Chinnaswamy Stadium and also the quality of treated water supplied.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, health care facilities face critical challenges in water supply, sanitation, and hygiene services; health care waste management; and environmental cleanliness.

Affidavit by Pune Municipal Corporation in OA No.32/2024 (WZ) (Anuj Abhay Deshpande V/s Pune Municipal Corporation & Ors.) dated 16/02/2024.

The matter related to construction of new water reservoirs by Pune Municipal Corporation at Fergusson College Hill. Three new water tanks have been proposed at Bhamburda (Shivajinagar) Gut No 262 Fergusson College Hill. New concrete reservoirs have been planned to cater to the water demand. These newly proposed reservoirs will cater to the water demand of three water zones - Modern college zone, BMCC Zone and Fergusson college zone.

Small drinking-water supplies commonly experience operational, managerial, technical and resourcing challenges that impact their ability to deliver safe and reliable services. The needs and opportunities associated with these supplies therefore warrant explicit consideration in policies and regulations.

Reply on behalf of the Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board in compliance of the National Green Tribunal order dated December 22, 2023.

The matter is related to the threat being faced by the  survivors of the Bhopal Gas leak disaster of 1984 who are still bearing the brunt of contaminated groundwater.

Non-payment of water supply bills beyond two months shall be liable for disconnection, states the Goa Provision of Water Supply Rules 2023.

Incentive based regulation is an innovative and uniquely South African response to challenges in the water sector.
