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Protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) are important to stop the global decline in biodiversity. Systematic site-based monitoring of the state of biodiversity and conservation outcomes is necessary for evidence-based adaptive management in protected areas and OECMs.

The Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has finally issued a draft notification demarcating area from 1 km to 2.035 km around the Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary as an eco-sensitive zone (ESZ) on the Haryana side in Panchkula district.

The year saw the last of the COVID pandemic-delayed milestones completed. Countries adopted major decisions to improve global chemicals management and protect marine life in international waters. But most of the year was about making all these rules work.

The world is in the midst of a triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution and waste. The global economy is consuming ever more natural resources, while the world is not on track to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.

In this report, UNEP Executive Director identified six areas where the sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly may wish to compel more effective, inclusive and sustainable multilateral action: Implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, Advancing integrated approaches for a water-secure world, Ensuring

More than a fifth of the world's migrating species are at risk of going extinct as a result of climate change and human encroachment, according to this report by the United Nat

This publication provides initial guidance to countries on key enabling tools for attracting public and private sector investments in conservation and how to navigate the process.

Nearly $7 trillion of public and private finance each year supports activities that directly harm nature – some 30 times the amount spent on nature-based solutions annually, according to this report published by the UNEP.

Fossil fuels account for over three-fourths of greenhouse gas emissions, fuelling a climate crisis that is projected to devastate ecosystems and communities across the globe. The Fossil Fuel Atlas is a GIS-based open-access tool that shows the overlap between fossil fuel planned and existing fossil fuel production.

With effective progress on governance, global demand for voluntary biodiversity credits could reach $2 billion in 2030 and $69 billion by 2050.
