In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, hundreds of feet underwater, the Greek goddess of love lives on—in the form of a dazzling reef fish.

Considering the swarming biodiversity at the equator, and the lack of diversity near the poles, scientists have long assumed that species evolve more rapidly in warm waters.

The latest survey indicates 76 per cent of species in the lake are threatened with extinction.

Anthropogenic climate warming could lead to water temperatures in some parts of the world exceeding the thermal survival limits of the fish species living there now, according to new research from

Scientists have named the new species the Hoodwinker sunfish or Mola tecta (derived from the Latin word tectus meaning disguised or hidden).

New research points to the efficacy of catch share programs in the U.S. by halting the ‘race to fish’.

Scientists have just named an adorable new species of Hawaiian coral reef fish after President Obama.

Big fish and other large ocean creatures face higher risks of extinction than small ones, overturning a 500 million-year pattern and indicating that human hunting is to blame, scientists said on We

Scientists from NOAA and the Bishop Museum have published a description of a new species of butterflyfish from deep reefs of the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument in the remote Northwester

Scientists have identified two new species of fish off New Zealand that belong to the family Opisthoproctidae, also known as spook fish or “barreleyes”.
